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IFI Interiors Decleration

Lister+Co Pty Ltd stands by the

International Federation of Interior Architects and Designers [IFI]

Declaration and set of Values outlined below:

Interior Design by Lister + Co


“It is the nature of humankind not only to use spaces, but to fill them with beauty and meaning.

Skilfully designed spaces are can arouse in us a sense of purpose, or a sense of the profound.


In the spaces that are important to us, we experience not only a sense of place, but also a sense of who we are, and what we can be.


Thoughtfully designed spaces can help us learn, reflect, imagine, discover and create.


Great spaces are indispensible for great creative cultures. They encourage connections between people, ideas and entire fields of thought.


As design professionals, our knowledge enables us to form spaces that respond to human needs. These human spaces are the domain of our competence, our passion and our work.


We use space responsibly. We practice our profession with the highest regard for engaging the world’s economic and natural resources in a sustainable manner. We design for health, safety, well-being and the needs of all.


It is, after all, for Humanity, our ultimate client, that we design. We shape the spaces that shape human experience.


This is what we do, what we create, what we give. It is how we earn our place at the human table. It is why our work is important to our clients, to our societies and to ourselves.

It is the difference we make and why we choose this noble profession.” 



“The profession provides leadership and utilizes an iterative and interactive process that includes discovery, translation and validation, producing measurable outcomes and improvements in interior spaces and in the lives of the people who use them.


This process delivers economic, functional, aesthetic and social advantage that helps clients understand the value of their decisions and enables better decisions that are beneficial to users and to society.


It is recommended that the profession become a trusted voice and develop multiple research models in the context of physical, emotional and behavioural pattern of users.”




“The profession defines projects at their commencement, and champions human experience at all levels.


Interior designers and interior architects synthesize human and environmental ecologies and translate science to beauty addressing all the senses.


The practitioner listens, observes, analyses, improves and creates original ideas, visions and spaces that have measurable value.”




“The responsibility of interior designers and interior architects is to define the practice and the required expertise, educate ourselves and the public, and to position ourselves in the public realm as experts in the built environment.


The responsibility of interior designers and interior architects is to advance the profession and advocate for social well-being.”




“As a creative enterprise, interior design and interior architecture are a mode of cultural production. They are a place-maker that interprets, translates, and edits cultural capital.


In a global world, interior design and interior architecture must play a role in facilitating the retention of cultural diversity.”




“The profession of interior design and interior architecture provides value to the stakeholders.


It provides well-being as a factor of economic development.


It provides strategic thought leadership resulting in multifaceted return on investment.


Interior designers and interior architects advocate education for the ongoing benefit and awareness of the profession.”




“Theoretical, applied, and innate knowledge are fundamental to the practice of interior design and interior architecture.


The confluence of environmental psychology and the science of anthropometrics are critical to quantitative and qualitative knowledge that form the practice of interior design and interior architecture.”



“Interior designers and interior architects determine the relationship of people to spaces based on psychological and physical parameters, to improve quality of life.”


As approved by signatories at the IFI DRIE Global Symposium, 17-18 February 2011, New York, USA. All rights reserved © IFI 2011

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